Tank by Tank Analysis: Vehicle Level – TXR 550/01
To open the report click on the radio button selecting this report.
Click the Tab button in the keyboard.
Enter the required parameters up to vehicle level.

Report Purpose
The purpose of this report is to show and
analyze every transaction that has been processed in the current month.
The report is divided into various sections.
The top portion of this report shows
the fixed information with regard to the vehicle i.e. vehicle registration
number, description of the vehicle, driver name, etc. Below find each
item starting from the top left hand corner of the report and the explanation
of same:
Report Definitions
- This is number and name of the area within
the company structure that the vehicle can be found.
- This is the five-digit number dedicated
to a particular company within a structure.
- Vehicle registration number, vehicle
description and driver name is self-explanatory.
- This is the date that the current driver
of the vehicle started using this vehicle.
- This is the date that the vehicle was
first registered.
- This is the calculated age of the vehicle
in months using the registration date as the first month.
- This is the period the vehicle has been
using the Fuel Card.
- This will be the odometer reading of the vehicle from the first transaction that is processed.
- This is the last odometer reading processed in the previous month.
- This is the Manufacturer’s Specified
fuel consumption/target, calculated in L/100 km’s for the specific vehicle
on this report.
- The target can be manually adjusted if necessary and should only be used as a guideline.
- This is the actual L/100 km’s achieved
over the last 4 months for this vehicle.
- This is the tank capacity, in litres, for this specific vehicle.
- This is the purchase price of the vehicle
inclusive of VAT. In
order for this information to appear on the report it must be supplied
by the client and captured into the system.
- This is the Rand value cost of the license
as well as the day and month of expiry of same.
- In order for this information to appear
on the report it must be supplied and captured into the system.
- This is the Rand value annual amount
as well as calculated apportioned monthly amount that is paid for vehicle
- In order for this information to appear
on the report it must be supplied and captured into the system.
- This is the limit embossed onto the card,
which is an amount allowed per transaction.
- In order for this amount to be exceeded,
authorisation has to be obtained by the merchant from the client.
- These are numbers allocated to a vehicle
when it is loaded onto the system.
- This is the date the card is due to expire.
- It is always the last day of the specific
month i.e. 03/2001 – the card will expire on the
31st March 2001.
- This numerically shows the number of
fuel/oil transactions processed for the current month.
- This shows the date the fuel/oil transaction
took place.
- This is the odometer reading on the vehicle
at the time of doing the transaction.
- This is the distance travelled between
- This is the amount of actual litres purchased.
- This is the actual fill-up cost.
- This is the calculated litres per 100
kilometers for each fill-up.
- The calculation is as follows:
Litres used x 100 divided by distance travelled.
- This is the calculated cost per litre
of fuel at the time of doing the transaction.
- This shows the number in 500ml cans of
oil as well as the cost of the oil.
- This shows excess litres where fuel consumption
is either over or under the target for a specific vehicle.
- Where there is a minus next to the figure,
it means that the fuel consumption for that fill-up was lower than the
target fuel consumption for that vehicle.
- Where there is no minus next to the figure,
it means that the fuel consumption for that fill-up is higher than the
target fuel consumption for that vehicle.
- This is the document number given to
the transaction at time of processing through the Point of Sale machine
or by voucher.
- This is a number given to a group of
transactions that are processed by the bank.
- This denotes whether the transaction
was processed at an external merchant or internally through a client’s
internal fuel bowser.
- This is the name of the town where the
transaction took place.
- This is the name of the merchant where
the transaction took place.
- This column shows anomalies like bad
fuel consumption, tank capacity exceeded, personal transactions or oil
The next part of the report will show any
Repairs and Maintenance transactions if any took place in the current
month.Repairs and Maintenance are
divided up into the following columns:
- This is the date the repair took place.
- This is the odometer reading on the vehicle
at the time of doing the repair.
- This is the type of repair that took
place. Only
three types of repair are recorded:
- For normal servicing and maintenance of vehicle.
- For new tyres or repairs to existing tyres.
- For unusual items such as batteries.
- This is the name of the town where the
transaction took place.
- This is the name of the merchant where
the transaction took place.
- The
next portion of the report shows the fuel observation and any exceptions.
Fuel observation is recorded as the following:
- For average fuel consumption 10% below
- For average fuel consumption 5% below
- For average fuel consumption the same
as the target.
- For average fuel consumption up to 5%
above target. Shows
how many bad tanks there were.
- 5 BT = Bad tank – between 1 to 5 bad
fill ups.
- For average fuel consumption 10% above
- Exceptions are areas of concern like
bad fuel consumption so driver should be queried.
- Personal Transactions and Tank Capacity
The next part of the report shows the Toll
Fees, if there were any toll transactions in the current month.
It is divided up into the following columns:
- This shows the date that the toll company
has sent the tape to the bank to download.
- NB: This
is not the date that the vehicle went through the toll.
- This will show the total Rand value that
was charged to a vehicle by a specific toll company during the current
- This shows the amount of times that the
vehicle went through a specific tollgate.
- This shows the name of the tollgate the
vehicle went through.
The next portion of this report shows the
fixed costs broken up into the following columns:
- This will show the vehicles depreciated
price, or the driver’s allowance (if loaded into the system at time of
- This will show the apportioned insurance
on the vehicle as well as the licence cost per month (if loaded into the
system at time of take-on).
- This is the admin fee for the vehicle
as well as the transaction fee per transaction charged per vehicle per
- This is the total government levy charged
for all transactions for the current month – 20 cents per transaction.
- This is the calculated finance charges
on all transactions, calculated form transaction date to cut-off date.
- This column shows the Rand value of any
transaction flagged at point of sale for personal use.
- The Rand value will include the government
levy and finance charges.
- This column shows the Rand value of all
transactions transacted at an internal workshop or bowser.
- This shows the total Rand value of all
transactions and fixed costs for the current month.
The next portion of this report shows a
one-line total of costs for:
- All expenses incurred for the current
- All expenses incurred for the client’s
financial year to date.
- All expenses incurred form inception
up to current date.
- This option is available on request and
indicates all expenses for a financial tax year.
- The last two columns of this section
show the fuel consumption in the above categories as well as the operating
cents per kilometer, which can be compared to the national average above
this column.